Tag Archives: MAGA math

Calculus for Cats

If you had to choose between cat and calculus, which one would you save, especially if you happened to be a cat-and-math lover?

A math meme that pokes fun at the MAGA cult

Unlike dogs that are faithful, loyal, and obedient, cats are unpredictable, independent, and creative.

Yes, you can rely on a dog to unconditionally love you back even after you’ve scolded or even ill-treated them. The same treatment could hardly be said of or expected from a “never-forget” cat, who’s often the master (or lord) of their owner.

Know who’s the boss at home. Art stolen from “Kitty Corner” on FB.

It’s probably not a coincidence that a title like Calculus for Cats doesn’t just sound catchy (or even sexy), but it’s also apt for the feline family for a number of reasons.

Arguably, most dogs and puppies could handle algebra and trigonometry (or even pre-calculus), but cats and kittens, blessed with a “higher IQ” than their canine counterparts, could apparently manage calculus as well—or even intuitive topology in the hands of a geeky trainer.

Why aren’t more people christening their cat “Newton”?

Philosophically, dogs are peasants; cats are poets.

Singapore’s Cat Problem Solvers

It’s said that most dogs solve elementary math word problems religiously using algebra, without much appreciation (or comprehension?) of what they’re doing, unlike [lazy] cats—who’re always on the lookout for a shorter or creative way—that are prone to using the intuitive bar or stack model method to solving them.

Based on TIMSS and PISA rankings, it’s probably not an exaggeration to say that zero resources Singapore has done a relatively good job vis-à-vis other high GDP nations (with a much higher education budget) in nurturing its students (and teachers) into cat problem solvers.

Are You a Cat or Dog?

As a mathematical problem solver, are you more cat than dog? Or, to play safe, would you rather not rock the boat, by reluctantly being a dog math educator? Besides, you probably feel safer to sticking to routine algebraic methods than exploring nontraditional strategies in solving brain-unfriendly questions.

The “lazy” one does nothing; the “bees-zy” one does anything and everything.

No Sacrificial Lamb

Coming back to the dilemma between cat and calculus, if you’re a geeky cat lover, which one would you choose?

Assuming that no dog would be made the scapegoat to substitute the “unlucky” one, which one would you sacrifice or die for to keep one over the other?

Wisely yours

© Yan Kow Cheong, December 22, 2024.

Art by Rina Piccolo. @RinaPiccolo

Are You a Square?

Math geeks or nerds are frequently labeled a “square.” Nonmath or non-symbol-minded folks also nickname them a “block” or “bore”!

Art © Grant Snider

Indeed, it hurts if you’re dubbed one! There is no shortage of negative or unflattering labels to describe those who’re apparently born or blessed with the “math gene.”

Fortunately, these days, with so many math geeks using their talent or gifting to help produce all kinds of technological marvels, or helping the world solve a number of wicked problems, respect or awe for the socially awkward or romantically inept seems to be at an all-time high.

Getting Rich from Math

Think of those tens of thousands of millionaires and billionaires worldwide, who’ve made their fortune thanks to the oft-invisible power or applications of math and science.

Their “square” looks or dating habits might make you avoid them like the plague, but you can be sure that a good percentage of these “bores” or “non-blockheads” are laughing all the way to the bank.

Many of those “squares” or “blocks” are being paid handsomely because of their sought-after mathematical or coding skills.

And many of these (oft-foreign-born) guys Trump & gang think they can do without them because they’re “stealing” white-collar jobs or “spying” on Americans—the MAGA cult want to deport (or even demonize) them to protect local high-tech jobs from skilled aliens.

Yes, some of these geeky guys and gals are arguably unhandsome or plain-looking. Who cares when math is their god, which has allowed them to retire prematurely or to attain financial independence, when their non-STEM peers are struggling to pay the bill?

Love + Math = Success

And if you’re a hundredaire or thousandaire, it’s not too late to befriend or even date some of them. There is exponential power or benefit when love meets math. When you discover in no time that the square-looking geek is often an (imperfect) circle inside.

Remember: The geeks shalt inherit the earth!

Squarely & securely yours

© Yan Kow Cheong, October 6, 2024

Adult Math Goes Poetic

Ex-president Trump’s criminal hush-money trial in New York provides much fodder for comedians and political pundits, not to say, math educators and poets, to poke fun at the lasagna of lies exposed by the prosecution and defense teams.

Below is a math meme that was X-ed, when the ex-Commander in Cheat’s defense lawyer was cross-examining his “ex-fixer” in the court case.

Political Math: When two serial liars failed to convince a jury of recreational math educators from the “fine” city of Singapore that they’d be exempted from a mock high school test paper.

@MathPlus on May 20, 2024

5G Dishonesty

Thanks to Mr. Pinocchio and his once-most-loyal lawyer, who said he’d take a bullet for his ex-client, even math teachers and writers (and pseudo-poets) around the globe couldn’t resist from indulging in some poetic licence.

A Tale of Two Liars

One lied n times, but repented at the (n+1)th time.
The other keeps lying for the nⁿth time.

Once, they’re lying buddies.
Now, they’re lying enemies.

The seasoned liar served his time.
The serial liar will serve his soon.

@MathPlus on May 17, 2024

Below is a haiku that was hatched in the aftermath of the revelation that pseudonyms were contractually used in the hush money payment.

The Fart of the Deal

Dennison denied
having fun with Peterson.
Even Satan laughed.

X-Rated Calculus

Another “adult math” meme that was tweeted to irreverently expose the ex-president’s constant denial of his affair with a former porn star is the following:

Political Calculus: The Real Analysis of the Trump-Daniels Affair. Meme posted by Shivam Kr (Jan. 28, 2022) to the “Mathematical Mathematics Memes” page.

@MathPlus on April 17, 2024

More MAGA Haikus

Let’s end with four haikus based on the duo’s decades-long manifold lies.

The Hush-Money Case

Your lies tickle us.
“Election interference”?
It’s not—it’s jail time.

@SingaporeLite on April 21, 2024


The bigly liar
and his ex-“fixer,” who’s jailed,
but he’s still free.

They praised each other,
but they each deserve jail time
for their lies and crimes.

Among loyalists,
he pardoned some jailed buddies,
not his loyal “friend.”

@SakamotoMath on May 20, 2024

© Yan Kow Cheong, May 20, 2024.