Ex-president Trump’s criminal hush-money trial in New York provides much fodder for comedians and political pundits, not to say, math educators and poets, to poke fun at the lasagna of lies exposed by the prosecution and defense teams.
Below is a math meme that was X-ed, when the ex-Commander in Cheat’s defense lawyer was cross-examining his “ex-fixer” in the court case.
Political Math: When two serial liars failed to convince a jury of recreational math educators from the “fine” city of Singapore that they’d be exempted from a mock high school test paper.

5G Dishonesty
Thanks to Mr. Pinocchio and his once-most-loyal lawyer, who said he’d take a bullet for his ex-client, even math teachers and writers (and pseudo-poets) around the globe couldn’t resist from indulging in some poetic licence.
A Tale of Two Liars
One lied n times, but repented at the (n+1)th time.
The other keeps lying for the nⁿth time.
Once, they’re lying buddies.
Now, they’re lying enemies.
The seasoned liar served his time.
The serial liar will serve his soon.

Below is a haiku that was hatched in the aftermath of the revelation that pseudonyms were contractually used in the hush money payment.
Dennison denied
having fun with Peterson.
Even Satan laughed.
Another “adult math” meme that was tweeted to irreverently expose the ex-president’s constant denial of his affair with a former porn star is the following:
Political Calculus: The Real Analysis of the Trump-Daniels Affair. Meme posted by Shivam Kr (Jan. 28, 2022) to the “Mathematical Mathematics Memes” page.

More MAGA Haikus
Let’s end with four haikus based on the duo’s decades-long manifold lies.
Your lies tickle us.
“Election interference”?
It’s not—it’s jail time.

The bigly liar
and his ex-“fixer,” who’s jailed,
but he’s still free.
They praised each other,
but they each deserve jail time
for their lies and crimes.
Among loyalists,
he pardoned some jailed buddies,
not his loyal “friend.”

© Yan Kow Cheong, May 20, 2024.