On May 26, 2021, I hypocritically posed the following:
Family Math: The positives and negatives of formula feeding vis-à-vis breastfeeding. How to get millions of fathers involved in parenting, while giving the mother a break if formula feeding isn’t an option.
Below are three tweets, two of which are more than a decade old.
Got 🥛 : 🐄 or 🐐?
Lactose intolerant? Allergic to cow milk? Nature “next best thing to mother’s milk”: Singapore’s Goat Milk vine.co/v/i7OiHuQW62K (@MathPlus on 12/6/15)
Zero Fat ≠ No Fat
Beware of labels: Zero fat, no-fat (skim milk) contains 0.4 grams of fat per cup (or 86 calories per cup). A “zero lie”! #zero (@Zero_Math on 1/7/11)
Meeting & Milking the Cow!
You don’t get milk from a cow by sending a letter, or by calling on the phone. You get milk from a cow by sitting by its side & milking it. (@MathPlus on 12/2/12)
You may also be interested in Crime Watch and Crime Math, which is related to infant formula or powder milk.
Dutifully & responsibly yours
© Yan Kow Cheong, January 27, 2023