A fortnight ago, Center of Math (@centerofmath) tweeted the following picture:
Imagine if Donald Trump were your high school math teacher. How would he disruptively or irreverently use the above illustration to teach some “pop (or poop) calculus” to his math-anxious Liberal Arts students?
From Epstein to Trump
President Trump’s “fun buddy” of yesteryear, Jeffrey Epstein, was unverifiably a pretty good math teacher before he became a successful financier, whose sinful soul had since journeyed to that hot fiery place, on the other side of eternity, sooner than later.
And not too long ago the president who claimed to have a “genius IQ” boasted that his “favorite” daughter is very good at numbers, which indirectly implies that she must have inherited his (or his first wife’s) “mathematical gene.”

Trump’s Calculus
Based on the defined meanings of f(x), what could f′′′(x) represent?

If F′(x) = f(x), then F(x) might depict the dear speciality coffee beans eaten and excreted by civets.

And what if G′′(x) = f(x)? Would G(x) represent the following picture?

Calculus for Civet Cats (and Their Humans)

The Calculus of Donald Trump
Let me end with two “urban calculus definitions” I coined in the aftermath of President Trump’s irrational behaviors.

Differentially and integrally yours
© Yan Kow Cheong, September 30, 2019